Bubbling Over: Let Everything Praise the Lord!
Stephanie Christianson, kindergarten teacher at Avail Academy, has been “playing in the sandbox” with Storyboards. Stephanie’s Storyline is Bubbling Over and her kindergarten students have created individual Bubbling Over scrapbooks to act as individualized storyboards that accompany the classroom Storyboard on the wall. This approach again exemplifies how classroom teachers adapt the core and essential TfT practices to meet the needs of their classroom. Stephanie shares her experience below:
One of the ways I have played in the sandbox was implementing a living storyboard through individual scrapbooks with the kindergarten kiddos.
My deepest hope for my students is for them to know: “I am a deeply loved child of God who is wonderfully made! I can discover and marvel at God’s creation around me and His plan for my life. Out of love for God, I can let everything I do, praise the Lord! Let everything praise the Lord!” We live this out with our storyline of "bubbling over."
It works well to have a new Bubbling Over focus each month and from that focus our real work lives. We document our real work each month through our Bubbling Over scrapbooks. We still use a storyboard wall, but the scrapbooks save some additional wall space for me and also allow the students to go touch, remember, and read about their real work when they have time in class.

At the end of the school year we celebrate with a Publishing Party, where we "officially" publish our scrapbooks in class and share them with our families. Our 8th grade buddies help us prepare how we will share our books with our families by practicing with us before the Publishing Party.
Our current Bubbling Over focus is "bubbling over by sharing our gifts." We have been brainstorming ways as a class we can Bubble Over and share our gifts with others in real ways. Some ideas have been: "helping others, showing kindness when someone is hurt, playing with someone new, and singing praise to God." We will then use our living storyboard scrapbooks to tell that real work story.