Falling in Love with God's World
November 9, 2022
Surrey Christian School
At Surrey Christian School, Katie Churchill’s Deep Hope for her students this year is that they fall in love with God’s people and creation, that they naturally wonder and foster a curiosity for the world around them.
From this Deep Hope, Katie invited her students into an interdisciplinary unit in which the students explore how their relationship with matter (science) impacts both people and the earth (socials).
Their Deep Hope for this unit is "we can be curious-thinkers, empowered to be Earth-Keepers as we explore the impact on physical and chemical changes in our surroundings."
At the end of this, the students used art to advocate for responsible earth-keeping.

A more in depth look at the Learning Targets, Throughlines, and curricular outcomes that outlined this project can be found in Katie's PowerPoint, attached below.