Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
Rachel Reed is the Director of Learning at Allendale Christian School, where she lives into her Deep Hope to cultivate and nourish the learning community for Kingdom Flourishing. Rachel deeply appreciates Teaching for Transformation as a way to fully immerse students in Christian education. TfT invites students to see God's story in what they learn and empowers them to live into God's story as a response.
Rachel shares a Storyline from one of Allendale’s 5th grade teachers, Hope Schroyer.
Her Deep Hope is that her students would know that they are fearfully and wonderfully made by God. They will celebrate and look for ways they can see God's handiwork in themselves, in others, and in the work they create.
Hope's rhythm with her class is to anonymously notice and encourage others in their class who are fearfully and wonderfully made.

This year, Hope's fifth grade classes are working on opinion writing pieces with evidence from scripture as to how we know that we are fearfully and wonderfully made and plan to share them with Real People who need to hear that encouragement too!