Happy Campers on God's Campground
The 2nd-grade students in Jillian Jackman's class at Fort McMurray Christian School are making connections with their science curriculum (Liquids) and real world work. Students studied the world water crisis. As justice seekers these happy campers wanted to make a difference. We connected with the Legacy Water Foundation to help support their team that repairs wells in the South Sudan. This is the third year the second graders at FMCS has helped work to make change in the world water crisis.


Students raised awareness by making posters and pamphlets to inform others about the world water crisis. They changed their behavior in their daily lives by taking shorter showers, turning off the water when brushing teeth, and measuring their water walk compared to others in water scarce countries. Then students raised funds by doing chores, recycling, shoveling driveways, making and selling ornaments and bracelets, and going on a 45-minute water walk sponsored by families in the community.

This past year the community we supported was the Kunyuk community of approximately 1,125 people. They had been using an open water source that was about a mile away, but now have a functioning well again! Here is the online report.