Stories of Blessing
Many of our TfT schools experience the year two early adopter phase of the implementation journey. Early adopters play an important role as their first experiences begin to root the TfT practices at their schools. These practitioners are called to be courageous as they share what has gone well and what is still “not yet.” We are excited to celebrate learning stories from the early adopters at Trinity Christian Academy (Willow Park, TX) as they look to use their “commit to trys” as a blessing for their school community.
For the early adopter team at , a clear theme emerged during their first year using the TfT framework - blessing. Listening to one teacher after another telling stories, it was evident that their deep hopes for their students were rooted in them becoming more Christlike as they sought to serve and bless others through their school work. The paradigm shift from work strictly “for the grade” into real work meeting real needs for real people blossomed in the TCA community. The response of their students in their panel discussions was overwhelmingly positive. One teacher described the “Jesus joy” on their students’ faces as they expressed their desire to do more FLEx work like this at school.
“You Are Not Alone” Cards
Teresa Valdez, 3rd grade
Students designed a “You Are Not Alone” card for someone they chose as part of their Bible and ELA coursework. Once the design was drafted and refined, they made the final card on a piece of poster board. Students chose someone they knew (outside of school) or a complete stranger to bless this card with. They were asked to reflect and pray over the card for the person that would be receiving it. The project is intended to let people know that they are not alone and that they are loved. The deep hope is that they sense God’s love through this FLEx.
"My Deep Hope is that we actively seek God's wisdom, love God with our whole being, and love people as He loves us."

Planting Seeds for Others
Andrea Dagley, 7th grade
As part of their unit on plants, students chose a plant to grow and tend to over a series of weeks with the intention of using it to bless others. Interspersed with this cultivating work, students were guided to write a short devotional and note that would go with the plant, using thematic ties like seeds, creation, growth, and God’s goodness. Mrs. Dagley’s deep hope is that students will observe God’s creation around them and seek to embrace the struggles during times of growth, so this was a framework that they had practice with. When everything was ready, the class went to a nearby grocery store parking lot and students gave away their plants and notes to strangers (and store employees!). They also got to help put groceries in cars and in some cases even pray with people to bless their day.
"My Deep Hope is that students will observe God’s creation around them and seek to embrace the struggles during times of growth."

Operation Christmas Blessing
Becca Perales, 1st grade
1st graders sought to bless local kids who live at a nearby home for children from families who are in need. After brainstorming ways that they could help, they settled on a plan to do work at home or around the school to raise money to help buy Christmas presents for those children in need. In addition, they visited the home, wrote letters to the children, and continually reflected on ways that the experience mattered to them. All of this was situated as part of their work for social studies (local needs), math (money), and ELA (writing).

The TCA Early Adopter Team
with Peter Welle, their School Designer