Wonder at God's Creation and Engage in His RESToration
Nate Beede loves that TfT is a framework that promotes wholeness and integration through learning. Experiencing transformation himself in life and learning has allowed him to invite, nurture, and empower others in their life’s expression. As Instructional Dean of Students, Nate embodies love of life and learning. He appreciates the richness, diversity, and shared practices of the deeper learning world and TfT’s unique place in it.
Nate shares a Storyboard/Storyline from Jenny Hartnett, chemistry teacher at Coastal Christian High School.

The early adopting year is a crucial part of the TfT journey. Early adopters are the first to embark on a change process that is the equivalent of a renovation or remodeling. The first stages of demolition work can be messy and painful.
Throughout this process, a lot can be revealed about the teacher. What I appreciate most about Jenny’s storyboard is that it is a product of humility and effort. Jenny is a person of try, and her Storyboard reflects not only these dispositions, but the quality of work that they are yielding in her classroom. She reflects:
“My overall process as an early adopter has been both challenging and exciting. Challenging as a Chemistry teacher, to learn to let go of old habits and embrace new types of experiences which invite the students into my Deep Hope. Exciting because as I opened the door to new flex opportunities for the students, I watched their engagement skyrocket. The students were drawn to the Storyboard. Of course, they like seeing themselves but also, they used the Storyboard as a learning tool. It helped to solidify some challenging ethical concepts which we use to evaluate how to apply a biblical worldview to chemistry related ethical questions such as medical testing. I am personally looking forward to seeing how our school can walk together on our journey to be more Kingdom focused.”

Thank you, Jenny, for sharing your work with your team at Coastal Christian and the wider TfT network!